Hyderabad, Telangana – In a recent statement, former Chairman of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Dr G Satheesh Reddy, highlighted the significant role of women in the development of the Agni-5 Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology.
“There are lots of women who are working in defence research and development, contributing a lot in various technologies development,” said Dr Reddy. He further added that women hold various positions in the organization, including project directors, program directors, lab directors, and director generals.
These women have been instrumental in the development of many technologies and systems. Their contributions have been pivotal in pushing the boundaries of India’s defence capabilities.
Speaking specifically about the Agni-5 MIRV technology, Dr Reddy said, “Many women scientists, technological officers, and technicians have worked a lot… Immense contribution from women in the development of MIRV.”
The Agni-5 MIRV technology is a significant advancement in India’s defence arsenal. It allows a single missile to carry multiple warheads, each capable of being directed to different targets. This technology greatly enhances the strategic deterrence capability of India’s missile systems.
The development of such advanced technology requires a high level of expertise and dedication. The women at DRDO have shown that they are more than capable of meeting these challenges.
Dr Reddy’s statement serves as a reminder of the important role that women play in the field of defence research and development. It is a testament to their dedication, hard work, and expertise. Their contributions have not only advanced India’s defence capabilities but also paved the way for more women to take up roles in this field.
In conclusion, the development of the Agni-5 MIRV technology is a shining example of the significant contributions that women are making in the field of defence research and development. Their work is instrumental in strengthening India’s defence capabilities and ensuring the country’s security.