HYDERABAD – In a commendable act of bravery, a mother-daughter duo in Rasoolpura, Hyderabad, successfully defended their home against armed robbers. Their courage and quick thinking have now been recognized by the Government of India.
The Telangana BJP President, G Kishan Reddy, personally felicitated the pair in a ceremony held earlier today. He presented them with a Letter of Appreciation from the Government of India, acknowledging their courage and resilience.
The incident occurred when the robbers, armed and dangerous, broke into their home. However, they were not prepared for the resistance they would face. The mother and daughter fought back bravely, managing to fend off the intruders.
Their actions have been hailed as a testament to their courage and a shining example of citizen bravery. The felicitation ceremony was attended by local dignitaries and was covered by several media outlets.
G Kishan Reddy, while presenting the Letter of Appreciation, praised the duo for their bravery. “Their courage is commendable. They have set an example for all of us, showing that we should never hesitate to stand up against what is wrong,” he said.
The mother-daughter duo expressed their gratitude for the recognition. They reiterated the importance of self-defense and urged everyone to be prepared and alert.
This incident has sparked a conversation about the importance of self-defense training for all citizens. It serves as a reminder that bravery comes in many forms and often from the most unexpected places.